Welcome to my blog!

Hi, I am a software engineer and music producer based out of Kentucky.

A photo of me!

I first started getting into technology and music as a little kid, writing lyrics, making beats on free beat makers, and creating bash scripts for windows to do things for me in 2011.

I turned an actual programmer in 2013 after figuring out what Visual Studio was and started programming in C# creating GUI applications. I started learning C#, Python, Javascript, HTML, CSS, PHP, and Rust. and became a full-stack developer in 2016.

2020, I was hired as an independent contractor working as a software engineer to build one of the most well-built SaaS plaforms that pay you to listen and review music . In 2021, I signed an RSVP making me a co-founder of the company. I am responsible for all lead software engineer respnsibilities such as product development, security, functionality, and optimization. It's 2024, we started our beta testing a little over a year ago and are almost at 700 users with over 300 paid out reviews!

I create apps, graphics, portfolios, and so much more!

I also co-founded (The ceo has over 200K followers on instagram and invites me to go to thailand with him) which uses A.I. to generate digital products you can sell online (I created the chatbot that generates the products).

Get paid to listen and review new music!

I started making music in 2011, I turned to professional music equipment in 2014 buying FL studio, and 10 years later i compose, write, mix, and master my own music as a professional sound engineer. Now i get recognition from a lot of good artists and influencers and get artists production right and HEARD!

© MXRKABA 2024